Friday, January 15, 2010


but on foods that you can eat I forgot to include fish, eggs,
beans and nuts that are still in their

Also on foods that you cannot eat
like oats, wheat, barley, rye, rice - I forgot to add that
you should not eat corn. Yes, corn is also a cereal
grass and converts to sugar when he breaks down
in your body.
We have found out that different
foods cause different problems on each of us.
For instance, when I eat Banana's I start getting cramps in my legs, toes, my
butt almost anywhere. Hey these cramps hurt!!
Coffee also reacts bad on me. I can tell within a second after
taking a sip of coffee if it has caffeine in it cause I get
dizzy and see stars immediately.
Also when I eat corn I get on the inside of my mouth
a sore. My mother used to tell me when I was younger
that I got these because my stomach was upset.
When I was in my 20's I got really bad headaches, or
migraines. They were so bad that it felt like someone
was sticking a knife through my brain. Sometimes I would
cry for days. Since I started going gluten-free then I do not
have any more of these problems. However if there is
wheat in the product I will get a headache within 15 minutes.
However the headache does not stay long.

Today we know that is not the case!
Today we know so much more about foods than
what we did 2 years ago.

My sister
Lori gets muscle aches that are comparable
to fibremyalga. (I dont think that I spelled that correctly,
but you know what I am talking about.)
My daughter Pep has a very sensitive stomach and majority of the time
what she cannot eat - I make sure that I stay away from it!

Wheat is in a lot of foods, wines, medicines, health
and beauty products.

Wheat has many different names. The main name is triticum.
by Hopblogger


  1. Hi Connie. Thank you for visiting me and emailing me the other day. I appreciate your tips on being watchful on making sure I'm not picking up any products with hidden gluten in them!
